Friday, November 22, 2013

92 days until race day


Just because something says it is healthy- DOES NOT MEAN IT IS HEALTHY!
Please please please look at the nutrition info!
I know this should be a no brainer but here is an example... My husband was eating "fruit" snacks... I told him he really shouldn't be eating those! He said why they have real fruit in them... (because on the package it does say that) Well, my husband doesn't know much about nutrition so why wouldn't he just believe the package? I asked him to read me the ingredients and he just started laughing because they were ALL chemicals.
There's also a green colored chex mix and the name of it is literally "Healthy Chex Mix"... The nutrition label is sooo bad. Not only was it high in calories and carbs, but I could barely pronounce the ingredients.
I must admit.. I have NOT always been health conscious. I have struggled with my weight and only recently have been at a healthy weight. I know this time I will keep the weight off because I am actually thinking about what I eat and learning about nutrition. In the past I would just lose weight and once everyone would start to tell me I looked good, it would be my free pass to go eat a cupcake!
If you are struggling and really want to eat something unhealthy I suggest looking up the nutrition info on that item on MyFitnessPal... Most of the time you will be like WOW and decide to pass.
You know those little rolls at Texas Roadhouse with the cinnamon butter? Well I am about to ruin those for you... Over 200 calories in just 1 small roll!

Are you looking for healthier options for Thanksgiving? I have found a few recipes that I enjoy.
Ham, cream cheese, and pickle roll up... It is exactly how it sounds. You put the cream cheese on the ham and roll it around a pickle. (cream cheese tofu works as well)

Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers... Cut a jalapeno pepper in half and take out the seeds. Fill it with a slice of mozzarella cheese and bake at 375 until the cheese is melted. (string cheese works pretty good)

Sausage stuffed jalapeno peppers.. Cut the jalapeno pepper in half and take out the seeds. Brown ground italian sausage. Mix the italian sausage with cream cheese and put the mixture into the jalapeno pepper. Top with shredded cheese. Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes. (This can be made with turkey sausage, cream cheese tofu, and veggie shreds for a dairy free option)

Turkey pepperoni slices.. Bake at 350 until crispy and they are like chips!

These are mini peppers cut up and filled with Hummus.

Cauliflower mashed potato's:

Check out this recipe for more ideas:

On a different note-
Yesterday I put together a few of the baskets for the Kellsie's Hope Foundation benefit on December 7th. These were donated by Nasco, Fat Boyz, Kruegers, and Hallmark! I have other baskets coming from: Thirty One Bags, Scentsy, Pic n Save, Velventeen Rabbit, Robins Nest, and Chrissy B is making a girls night out basket. Looks like we will have plenty of baskets for the silent auction so I hope we have a good turn out!
If you can't make it but still want to donate then see the directions at the bottom of the page. It is for a reallllly great cause and is much appreciated!

Donation Process ONLINE
1.Go to
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page- Look under UPCOMING EVENTS- Click on 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon
3. Click on Rachel Hack in the chart
4. Follow the PayPal instructions
5. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

Donation Process via MAIL
1. Make a check payable to: Kellsie’s Hope Foundation
2. You can mail the check directly to the foundation OR you can mail it to me and I will send it in. If you mail it directly to the foundation, please specify that it is for Rachel Hack.

Kellsie's Hope Foundation
PO Box 331
Maryville, IL 62062
***Make sure you identify the person you are supporting.***


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

94 days until race day

Happy Wednesday!

Today my girl turns 2! We rescued her from Chicago and the day we brought her home she weighed 2 lbs! I wish she was still this small! She only weighs 14 now so she is still good size but they grow so fast! She was soooo scared the day we brought her home, especially with having Rusty (a bigger dog) for a brother... Now they are best friends! Happy Birthday to Bella!
I will be heading out the door soon for a run... I am hoping to get 6 miles in but I am going to see how it goes when I get out there and how my body is feeling. I wrote last week about Rustys paws bleeding while going on longer runs... Well yesterday we did 3 miles and they started bleeding again. I checked them before we left and they were completely healed and looked OK. I am starting to think his days of running are coming to an end! :( Breaks my heart! But his passion is really playing fetch anyways! Bella is the one who is obsession with walks/running.

What are your Thanksgiving plans? Will you be attempting to eat healthy? Tomorrow (or Friday) I will post some recipes that are a bit healthier for the Holidays. Try to remember servings sizes and just because its Thanksgiving does not mean you have to stuff yourself full! (My Husband disagrees with me saying this!)

Have a great day!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

97 days until race day


On Thursday I did Pilates, and yesterday I did hot yoga... This morning my upper body is SORE! I know the best way to work the tension is to work out but I can barely move! ha! Maybe later in the day I will be able to go for a run. I am really wanting to get a 5+ mile run in today since the temperature is suppose to be around 60!
This quote has never been more true to me. I use to eat just terrible and thought I could eat pretty much anything. There was 2 problems with this. First, I am short so I have no where to hide my extra weight. Second, my body was always feeling sick and lazy! So I decided something needed to change. I changed my health and eating habits so I could lose weight. In the process, I have realized how much different my body feels! I have learned that I cannot eat gluten and that I have a gluten intolerance. 
Last night I had chocolate chip cookie, which I DON'T eat anymore. This morning, I can feel it! My body is not use to the flour and the white sugar and it is not happy with me. My stomach feels terrible and I know it is my own fault.
I urge everyone to take baby steps and try to go 5 days without any flour and sugar. Yes, this means no bread! I would also go further and say no starches at all. Try it!!! Feel free to ask me if you have any questions!

Don't forget to mark your calendars for December 7th at Paddys Irish Pub for the Kellsie's Hope Foundation benefit!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

102 days until race day

Happy Hump Day everyone... we are almost through the week!

How is everyone adjusting to the cold weather? If you are reading this blog from a state other than Wisconsin.. what is your weather like? Click "comment" on the bottom of this page! I would love to hear some feedback.

Do you prefer cold weather running or hot???? Personally, I am a fan of hot weather running but yesterday I went for about a 6 mile run and it felt really good. I had "runners high"... which many think is a joke but I promise it is a real thing and it is a great feeling!!!

One downer of my run yesterday was that Rusty, my golden retriever, started limping at about mile 5. So I stopped and checked out his paws and 2 of them were bleeding. I felt so terrible, especially knowing we still had 1 mile to go until we got home. I tried walking with him but he wanted to keep running. When we got home, I cleaned them up and he is walking fine but keeps licking his paws. He loves running so it is hard to see that this happens! I just cannot take him on a run longer than about 3 miles. I bought him dog boots which he didn't like at all! Any other suggestions???

I had a crazy crazy crazy day today. I was up late studying for an exam last night, and woke up around 545am this morning to get some more studying in... So I woke up and did my daily routine which consists of coffee, letting the dogs out, coffee, feeding the animals, coffee, turning on Fox news, coffee, and finally sitting down and catching up on emails, homework, ect... After all of this is complete I get my workout in and head to school... Well today I had 5 classes, 2 quizzes, an exam, a bio lab, and a debate! And this is how I feel right nowwww......

mixed with a little bit of this....

 (This is Bella and she is giving me her little attitude. This is her: look! haha!)

Needless to say, I am honestly soooo thankful that I have the opportunity to get a college education... But, I will be so ready for the next stage of life, come graduation day.

Monday, November 11, 2013

104 days until race day- motivation monday!!

Good morning!

I woke up to an email this morning from Kellsie's Hope Foundation that I got another $100 donation from my Uncle Harold & Aunt Liz, in Colorado!! I feel truly blessed that people are donating and following along with this journey. Thank you guys!

This morning I have 2 classes to attend, which reminds me... 5 weeks until graduation! :):) I am heading to FL to visit my Grandpa and Fran in 15 days, so I am trying to get ALL of my school work done so that I am pretty much graduated for my trip. Which ALSO reminds me, I found a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning in Florida! It is a benefit for United Way, and it looks like a good time. It starts nice and early (have to be at the start line at 6:45), so I'll still be able to enjoy my entire day. I'll be sure to post pictures of the sun shining in FL! :)

This week will officially put me under 100 days until race day, on Friday!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

106 days until race time

Hello Everyone!

This morning I did the Jingle Bell 5k for Arthritis with my 2 dogs and it was a BLAST! The first time that I have done an actual race with Rusty & Bella, and they had so much fun! We ran it in 24 minutes so I was happy with that. At the finish everyone said they were so impressed with Bella because she is a little dog but she has a lot of stamina. :) I am a proud dog owner! Here we are, picture below. My husband is a great photographer! It was a little windy but I can't complain because it is near 50 degrees today... 50 in November in Wisconsin, I'll take it!

Yesterday I went to local businesses and asked for basket donations for the fundraiser and I had a really good turn out!!! So far we have 10 baskets that are a for sure and a few that I need to check on in a few days because the manager wasn't in the office. This event is going to be so fun!!! We will have a silent auction from 4-8pm, a 50/50 raffle, and possibly a bake sale! Plus I will be waitressing and all the tips I make will be donated. I am realllllly hoping this event will cover most of my fundraising! I went into the Pub that the event will be had at (Paddy's Irish Pub) and took some pictures so people know what to expect. This place has the best food and I just love the atmosphere. The owners are great people and very inviting. If you are a beer lover, they have a good variety on tap. (That is my husbands favorite part- besides the burgers!)

Everyone is invited and everyone is welcome! I hope you can all make it... Mark your calendars for December 7th from 4-8pm!

If you can't make it but would still like to donate to Kellsie's Hope Foundation, please do! This foundation gives to families that have a child with cancer.

1.Go to
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page- Look under UPCOMING EVENTS- Click on 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon
3. Click on Rachel Hack in the chart
4. Follow the PayPal instructions
5. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

Donation Process via MAIL
1. Make a check payable to: Kellsie’s Hope Foundation
2. You can mail the check directly to the foundation... please specify that it is for Rachel Hack.

Kellsie's Hope Foundation
PO Box 331
Maryville, IL 62062
***Make sure you identify the person you are supporting.***

Friday, November 8, 2013

107 days until race day

Good morning everyone!

Today I am going around to local businesses and asking for basket or monetary donations for the fundraiser! I am pretty excited! I have had about 5 cups of coffee this morning so I will get my workout in first so I'm not on hyper-speed mode. Chrissy made this flyer as well and I think this is the winner! She did a really good job. I tried making my own flyers and I was lacking the creativity! My friend, Megan, and my SIL, Melissa both talked with some of their independent selling friends and got them to donate a 31 basket and a Tastefully simple basket!!! A big thanks to them and the independent consultants that are donating! (I will get their names and post them in a future post!) I am amazed at how generous some people are! <3

 This is the background on my computer and one of my favorite sayings. I just had to share it! It can be so true for everyone.

My husband bought me a new camera yesterday (early bday gift) and I can't wait to use it at this event and at the actual race itself!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

108 days until race day

Pretty cool huh?? Props to Chrissy B! She made 2 flyers and the other one is awesome as well. I will try to post it later today or early tomorrow. Hope you can all make this event!

So far we have these baskets that will available at this event under the silent auction: Paddy's basket (Donated by Erin and Brandon), Scentsy, Girls Night Out basket (donated by Chrissy), and Chocolate Lovers basket. Tomorrow I plan to work on getting some more basket donations. This event is going to be SO fun!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

109 days until race day

I am so excited about fundraising, planning my Disney outfits, and meeting everyone from Kellsie's Hope Foundation at the race! I keep telling myself to make sure I finish these last 6 weeks of school strong and get all my training done. I had to stop yesterday and get my priorities in order because this is just so much fun and I love things like this! Everyone that knows me, knows I love planning events and decorating! With that being said... I found these awesome shirts on Pinterest and think that 1 of them would be fun to wear to the expo. (An expo is where I go before the race to pick up my bib and running instructions. It is also full of vendors and race shirts... It is one of my favorite parts about races!)
I am thinking for the 10k I will dress as Minnie Mouse and the Half Marathon I would like to be Jasmine just for the fact that she is the least amount of clothing and I am a little nervous about running in the FL heat because my body will be use to cold Wisconsin weather. Good thing they run VERY early in the morning. I will have a half marathon finished by the time most of my WI family and friends wake up!
Disney allows only certain charities to be part of their races. When I was looking through the list of charities and doing research on them, at first I was going to touch base with St. Judes because they are seriously an AWESOME AWESOME charity. They were also 1 of the only charities that I recognized besides the Mcdonalds House Charity. Well, I am so glad that I looked into Kellsie's Hope Foundation. I believe in all of the other charities and I know they are all doing something good, but I am just so impressed with the personal touch that Kellsie's Hope has given. I can't even describe the feeling I had yesterday when I got home from my run. I had a message from Kellsie's family member on my Facebook. It REALLY touched my heart and I felt so honored and blessed to be raising money for them. My parents are in Singapore right now, so I emailed the message to my mom. My mom emailed me back saying she had a hard time reading the message out loud to my dad. She said that she woke up yesterday morning complaining that she has to run and that she was feeling sore from her run the prior morning. After she read the message, all of her complaining instantly stopped and she felt blessed and grateful for all the things in her life. Moral of the story, it is important to realize everything we have in life. I am so blessed to have a supportive group of family and friends, and 2 great canine running buddies (Rusty & Bella). I am blessed to be raising money for Kellsie's Hope Foundation and I am hoping to well exceed my goal...BE THANKFUL!

A special thanks to Pete and Ann for donating $100! Thank you so much! I was so excited this morning when I woke up and had an email from the charity telling me that I got a donation!! Pete and Ann are family friends from New Jersey and are always so generous. Tim and I always say we want to be like them when we get older because we have never met a couple that is more social! They are always involved in community events and volunteering. Kudos to them! Thank you again!

Donation Process ONLINE
1. Go to
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page- Look under UPCOMING EVENTS- Click on 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon
3. Click on Rachel Hack
4. Follow the Paypal instructions
5. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

Donation Process MAIL
1. Make a check payable to: Kellsies Hope Foundation
2. You can mail the check directly to the foundation OR you can mail it to me and I will send it in. If you mail it to the foundation you have to write a note saying that it is for my fundraising so it might be easier to just send it to me and I can send it in.

    Kellsie's Hope Foundation
    PO Box 331
    Maryville, IL 62062
    Make sure you identify the person you are supporting.

My address:
Rachel Hack
N833 Waubunsee Trail
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to donate

Donation Process ONLINE
1. Go to
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page- Look under UPCOMING EVENTS- Click on 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon
3. Click on Rachel Hack
4. Follow the Paypal instructions
5. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

Donation Process MAIL
1. Make a check payable to: Kellsies Hope Foundation
2. You can mail the check directly to the foundation OR you can mail it to me and I will send it in. If you mail it to the foundation you have to write a note saying that it is for my fundraising so it might be easier to just send it to me and I can send it in.

    Kellsie's Hope Foundation
    PO Box 331
    Maryville, IL 62062
    Make sure you identify the person you are supporting.

My address:
Rachel Hack
N833 Waubunsee Trail
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

110 days until race day


I have been crazy busy the past few days. I am taking 20 credits at UW Whitewater so I can graduate on December 14th so these last 6 weeks of school will be extremely busy!

Hot Yoga on saturday was AWESOME! I highly suggest it for anyone who wants to sweat and walk out of the gym feeling a whole new energy. I was sore for a little bit the next day and I love that feeling... It's like you can feel "new" muscles..!


I got my first donation phone call on Sunday from my Grandpa... I was so happy! Every donation helps and puts me closer to my goal of $1,600.

I am writing this in green because my big fundraiser night will be held at an Irish Pub! The Pub is called Paddy Coughlins Irish Pub. The event will be held on December 7th from 4-8pm. I will be guest bartending/waitressing and all tips will be donated to Kellsie's Hope Foundation! So make sure to mark your calendars for this and bring all your friends and family!!!

Sorry its a short one today! 

If you wish to donate for this great cause, you can! Just go to this link, find my name (Rachel Hack) and follow the instructions: (Remember, charity donations are tax deductible!)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

113 days until race day


Happy Homecoming to any Warhawk followers! It's pretty chilly out so dress warm!

In a few hours I am going to be trying hot yoga which is yoga in a room that is about 105 degrees. I love heat when I am working out so I am hoping that I love this. Last night I was using #google so I could get some reviews and I came across this page and I got a good laugh:

Yesterday I got some pretty awesome news!!!!! My mom has decided to sign up under the same charity and run the glass slipper challenge with me. So between the 2 of us we will be raising $3,200 for Kellsie's Hope Foundation. What a great bonding experience! For any of you that don't already know this... My mom is my best friend and I am truly blessed to have her in my life. Her and I ran the Chicago Marathon together 2 years ago and ever since she has been battling plantar fasciitis. (a bad strain in your foot) This will be her first run back and WOW, what a run to choose! I am so happy for her.

On Saturday December 7th we will be holding a fundraising event at Paddys Irish Pub in Fort Atkinson. (a HUGE HUGE thanks to Erin and Brandon Housley for letting us do this) If you haven't been to this pub before you are missing out! The food is always fresh, new beer on tap all the time, and it is a very inviting atmosphere because the owners and staff make it that way! We haven't nailed all the details down yet but we are really hoping to have a silent auction if we can get some baskets donated from local business' (and of course I will have a Scentsy basket or 2) and I will be guest bartending or waitressing and all the tips that you donate will be given to this foundation. Sounds pretty fun to me! We are thinking it will go from about 4pm-8pm but I will let you know 100% the details very soon! Please try to make it.. not only is it going to be a blast, but you will be doing a good thing and GIVING this Holiday season! 

Kellsie's Hope Foundation Mission Statement:
Kellsie’s Hope Foundation will assist families in need with gifting, funding trips, and will also fund cancer research and various programs and/or other support for the medical field such as nursing scholarships.

Kellsie's Story taken directly from

Kellsie woke up one morning, 15 years old, with her whole life ahead of her. But when that day ended, she had been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. This diagnosis changed her life as she knew it, and put into motion a courageous battle against a relentless disease that eventually took her life.
Kellsie was experiencing leg pain in November of 2005. Initially, the doctors thought it might just be growing pains. When it didn’t improve, the athletic trainer was concerned that she may have a stress fracture, and referred her to an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon ordered an MRI and the results indicated a mass in her leg. He immediately sent us to Sitemen Cancer Center in St. Louis where another orthopedic surgeon performed a biopsy and scans, confirming that this was osteosarcoma, with the tumor being present in her right leg.
Osteosarcoma is a life threatening, aggressive form of bone cancer, which demanded an aggressive form of treatment. Kellsies’ treatment plan started in February 2006, which included 6 months of chemotherapy, a surgery to replace 4 inches of her shin bone with a metal prosthesis, and then another 6 months of chemotherapy. She was treated at St. Louis Children’s Hospital where she ended up spending more time there, then at home. Kellsie’s life changed dramatically, as she was too sick to attend school and life as she knew it seemed to be going on without her. She was a Varsity member of the Collinsville High School dance team and was told she would never dance again. Her life was now about chemo treatments, blood counts and watching her hair fall out. She would start feeling better after a treatment, only to start the whole cycle all over again.
In January 2007, Kellsie was “Cancer Free!” She quickly started to regain control of her life. She returned to school and the dance team, after being told she would never dance again. The team competed in the state competition, and won first place in Pom-Dance. She received the Rising Star Award, which is presented to a dancer with outstanding showmanship, who performs with a quality that shines above the rest. She enrolled in Health Occupation classes, where she began to pursue her love for nursing. She wanted to give back by pursuing a career in nursing. Kellsie also met the love of her life that year, Joey.
The next 3 years were amazing for Kellsie. She overcame a life threatening disease, volunteered as a guest speaker for groups such as Make-a-Wish, Friends of Kids with Cancer, and H.I.S. Kids. She enrolled at Southwestern Illinois College, was employed at Target, and was continuing a long distance relationship with her boyfriend Joey Silhavy who was attending college in Rolla, Mo.
Kellsie’s Fairy Tale began in May 2008, when she was promised to Joey in front of Cinderella’s Castle in Walt Disney World. This magical journey continued when Kellsie and Joey vacationed with the Silhavy family to Disney. Joey had asked our permission to marry Kellsie. We were invited to come to Disney World, where he planned to propose to Kellsie during a special dinner in Cinderella’s Castle. Kellsie didn’t know that we were there the whole week until that very special night after Joey proposed. She walked down the spiral staircase and was surprised to be greeted by our family and Joey’s family. It was truly a Magical Moment!
In May 2010, tragedy struck Kellsie for the second time. A chest x-ray indicated that the osteosarcoma had metastasized to her right lung. Kellsie underwent another surgery in June where two thirds of her left lung was removed. The great news was she did not have to go through chemotherapy. She bounced back from surgery in a few weeks’ time and was able enjoy a family vacation to Cape May, New Jersey. With only 1/3 of her right lung and in a short time after surgery, she was able to climb 199 steps to the top of a lighthouse, swim in some of the strongest waves, ride the fastest rides on the pier and walk up and down the beach every day. When we returned from our trip, she unpacked and packed up again to head to Disney World with the Silhavy family where she enjoyed more days of early mornings, late evenings, water parks, fireworks, shows and rides. Disney was Kellsie’s Happiest Place on Earth!
In August, Joey returned to school in Rolla. Kellsie began taking classes at Goldfarb School of Nursing and making plans for their Disney wedding. She was only in school for only a month, when she began feeling discomfort in her shoulder, experienced wheezing and difficulty breathing. What we thought couldn’t happen for a third time…did happen. On October 12, 2010, the osteosarcoma returned to the remaining part of her right lung and the tumor was pressing against her heart. She immediately was admitted to ICU at Children’s Hospital. We were told that the positioning of the tumor, made it too risky for surgery. Within the next few days Kellsie was back into a Radiation and Chemotherapy treatment plan, to try and shrink the tumor. Kellsie tried to stay positive and kept her spirits up. She and Joey had their engagement pictures taken that weekend. She was always looking toward the future and never giving up hope that she would have her Sept 2011 “Princess Wedding”.
Throughout the next year, Kellsie spent a lot of time in the hospital and traveling back and forth as an outpatient to receive chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The radiation side effects to her esophagus, made it very difficult to swallow. With all this happening to her frail body, Kellsie kept fighting, remaining hopeful and determined that she was going to beat this disease. She was able to come home for Christmas and spent it with her family. She had received a weekend trip to Chicago from Friends of Kids with Cancer and was able to make the trip in January. Friends, faculty and families at St. John Neumann School, blessed our family with a Disney Vacation. Our family, including Joey, made the trip to Orlando in April, for what we didn’t know at the time, would be our last family vacation together.
Kellsie was a remarkable young woman who infused all those around her with her heartwarming smile and sparkling personality. Her bravery and determination were inspirational. Her faith was unyielding. Facing cancer for the third time in her young life, Kellsie immediately turned her attention to helping others. Kellsie finally lost her battle with cancer on June 8th, 2011, but her spirit was never defeated.

If you wish to donate for this great cause, you can! Just go to this link, find my name (Rachel Hack) and follow the instructions: (Remember, charity donations are tax deductible!)

Friday, November 1, 2013

114 days until race day

Happy Friday everyone

Tomorrow,  I will be trying hot yoga for the first time. Hot yoga is yoga in a room that is 100+ degrees! I will let ya know how that goes. I am hoping to weigh 5 lbs less afterwards!! ha ha

Anyways, I am a huge fan of Hal Higdon. Hal Higdon is a runner and a writer. He has written a ton of articles for Runner's World and he has written numerous books. One of them which I HIGHLY suggest is called Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide. He was at a running expo that I attended for the Chicago Marathon but I was to chicken to go talk with him! But I have followed his plans for all my longs races and I am always impressed with how my body feels with his plans.

Given the 2 day quest of the Glass Slipper Challenge (19.3) miles I figured it would be beneficial to just train for an 18 week marathon program that Hal developed. I Facebook messaged Hal Higdon and asked if he thought this plan was good for my race and he messaged me back! He suggested that I follow a 12 week plan that not only had longer runs but had sprint days and strength. Since my plan does not officially start until December 1st, I am just running 2-6 miles everyday (except Sundays) and I am doing sit ups and arm weights!

 Here is the plan that I will be following:

So ... I have not always been as in shape as I am today and even still, I am not in perfect shape. It is a work in progress and ALWAYS will be! It is not just about being skinny or in shape, its about being healthy and enjoying life.  Ya know when you look at the chart (BMI chart) that lets you compare your height and weight and it will tell you if you are "normal" or if you have a little bit of a weight problem... Well, I would always fall in the little bit of a weight problem category!(ok a lot of bit)... A few weeks ago, for the first time I actually fell in the "normal" and healthy category for my short 5 feet 2 inch height! I was pretty ecstatic to say the least.
Someone once told me that weight loss is 20% exercise and 80% diet... Well I have always had the exercise part down, but was lacking the diet part.On May 1st I decided enough was enough and I stopped eating the starchy carbs and to my surprise I lost 37 lbs! Ok.... I also stopped eating starchy carbs because I get sick when I eat them but it kind of progressed and I started loving the new me.

Before:(Taken December 2012)

Now: (Taken a few weeks ago)

So I really cannot stress enough the important of eating HEALTHY! If you can't run, that is fine. But you do make the choice of what you put in your mouth! I can honestly say when I first stopped eating starches I felt kind of tired so I did not work out everyday or barely at all. The more my body got used to this new lifestyle, the more I started adding workout into my daily routine. (and let me tell you, it is a lot easier running now with 30 some pounds less weight on my body) I eat lots of protein along with vegetables, fruits, and nuts in moderation.
Hydration is EXTREMELY important and I make sure to drink 1 gallon of liquids a day. It doesn't have to be just water, it can be anything.(coffee, juice, tea, ... soda....) I put soda last because I only drink diet (regular has waaay to many carbs) but I know that soda is not healthy for you and I do not promote it, but it's just something, along with coffee, that I am not willing to give up! I have already given up ice cream, reeses, brownies, chai tea lattes, cupcakes, you get the point... :)

Tomorrow I am going to talk about my fundraising! ANY donation is highly appreciated. I know with the Holiday season we are spending money for our loved ones and trying to save for Christmas shopping. Please take a moment to check out Kellsie's Hope Foundation. It is for a great cause and you would be making one child extremely happy.

I will be holding a fundraising event at a local pub in Fort Atkinson. I will talk more about it tomorrow! I hope you can all make it!

If you wish to donate for this great cause, you can! Just go to this link, find my name (Rachel Hack) and follow the instructions: (Remember, charity donations are tax deductible!)