Friday, December 6, 2013

The Fundraiser is TOMORROW!


I am more than excited for the big fundraiser tomorrow for the charity that I am running for, Kellsie's Hope Foundation!!!! Today I will be doing the last minute errands and planning! So far some very generous businesses have donated some awesome baskets; Hallmark of Fort Atkinson, Krueger Jewelry (pandora bracelet), Fat Boyz, Pic N Save, Girls Night Out by Chrissy B, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Thirty One, Nasco and Robins Nest of Fort Atkinson!! A HUGE thank you to all these businesses. It is very generous of them!!

My training for the races started this week and of course, it has been the coldest week we have experienced in Wisconsin! The news just said it feels like -2 outsides today... Fortunately, we have a treadmill so all is good! What physical activity do you participate in during the winter months? I enjoy hot yoga and look forward to going tomorrow!

I hope to see you at the benefit tomorrow at Paddys Pub in Fort Atkinson from 4-8pm! Stop down and eat some dinner... I will be waitiressing and the tips I make will be donated!  See you then!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

80 days until race day

I have been crazy busy with traveling and school... I am sorry I have not been able to write! I graduate next Saturday so these next 9 days will be consumed with studying for finals.

We had a nice visit to Florida to spend time with my grandparents. This was the first Holiday that we have got to spend with them, and we really enjoyed ourselves. The weather was pretty decent, mostly high 70s or low 80s so I couldn't complain! On Thanksgiving morning I did a Turkey Trot 5k with my mom in Palm Beach. It was sooooo chilly for Florida but the scenery was absolutely beautiful!!!!
This Saturday is the BIG-FUN-EXCITING fundraiser at Paddys Pub in Fort Atkinson!!! I have some REALLY good baskets that were donated by local businesses! I am hoping to get close to my fundraising goal with this event! Details: Saturday December 7th, Paddys Irish Pub, 4-8pm.. I will be waitiressing and all my tips will be donated to Kellsies Hope Foundation. We will have a silent auction as well.. Hope to see you there!!!!!!